Monday, 1 February 2010

Friday, 29 January 2010

Ancilliary Tasks...Continued

This is my groups final magazine promotional advertisement which will feature in magazines such as, 'Sugar', 'Kiss' and 'Cosmo Girl'. These magazines are all aimed at our target audience which is why we have chosen to feature our advertisement in these.

Ancilliary Tasks...Continued

Here are examples of what our CD looks like in a CD case.

Ancilliary Tasks

Here is our final CD case for the promotion of 'our new album', The Veronicas Greatest Hits Untouched. (From top left) This is what the back cover looks like, and next to it is the inside of the back cover underneath the CD. (Above left) This is what the left inside cover will look like and next to that is the front cover for the CD.

Friday, 8 January 2010

Final Music Video

Untouched. Media A Level Coursework from Lucylu on Vimeo.

This is our final music video which conforms to the pop genre style as it consists of; performance shots and includes a narrative to the song.

Monday, 4 January 2010

Feedback on finished music video

Research into 'Film Noir' effects

Due to some lighting difficulties during the filming of the performance shots, my group and I decided to change the colour effect to monochrome to increase the shadow detail and overall quality of the video. We took most of our inspiration from a style called 'Film Noir'.