Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Tuesday 23rd June - Filming

During the filming of 'Person A, B and the object' we encounted a few problems which inlcude; Some of the actors were waering their sleaves rolled up instead of down, which will look rather wierd when we play the whole film together, and we forgot one of the props, which again will look wierd when played back as one of the actors will all of a sudden lose a prop that they were holding.
Camera problems we had were, obeying the 180 degree rule, as we kept forgeting. Shaking hands when the camera was not fixed on to the tri-pod holder. And getting the actual shot types right that we discussed in class.

Also to add to the problem and complicate things a little more, i was absent from fridays lesson along with another student which is when my group began filming, so they had to improvise and use other students in the group as the actors in the filming task, and they also change the 'object' which was dropped. So instead of a pen being dropped, the new item is a mobile phone. 'Person A' is Greg and 'Person B' is Danielle. Faye, Jade and myself directed the camera angles as we took it in turns and helped each other.

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