Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Assesment 3


Production team: Lucy Farrell

Synopsis: I am to design a music magazine called ‘Krank’; I will also create the front cover, contents and double page spread. The subgenre of my magazine is heavy metal. The magazines house style will include mainly black, white and red with ‘Arial’ typography to match the masthead.

Detail of target audience: My target audience is girls and boys heavy metal fans from the age of 17- 27. They are interested in rock music/heavy metal, for them its not just music but it’s a way on life (a lifestyle), they look stereotypically like punks or hell’s angles style, they rebel against society by standing out in a crowd by wearing bold fashion statements to define themselves (e.g. brightly coloured hair, clothing, piercings, etc).

Photography Design: All locations will be plain so that I can edit them. I will either use 2 girls for the band or 2 boys for the band. The costumes will be dark/ dull with makeup on to enforce the idea of them being a heavy metal band that looks a bit weird and freaky. I will use a medium close up on the band as there will only be 2 people in the photo. The front cover photo will show one of the band members looking and standing straight on to the camera (this is the main singer), while the other person will be standing towards the main singer to show that they aren’t as important because they are not showing their full body to the camera, they will be doing some gesture with their hands. For the contents page I will use another medium close up but this time the band will be positioned in a slightly different way, probably a low angle shot. For any other contents photos (of other bands and features) I will take photos of my friends doing weird poses and faces. For the double page spread I will show the band ‘messing around’ and pulling wired faces at the camera (as so many Kerrang interviews to the same) this will convey the bands wild side as individual people not just as a band, I want each pose to say something about the band member as a person.

Interview/Article: My double page spread will be on a band called ‘Tainted Saints’ and an interview with them. They aren’t a brand new band, they have been round a while but have struggled to get where they are, the interview will exploit the problems they faced in the heavy metal industry and if it was all worth it.

Initial Recce considerations: I will make sure that all equipment is handled correctly and put away safely. All photographic backgrounds will be plain so that I can edit them on Photoshop.

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